[ Prev | Next | Index ] Wed Feb 21 22:58:24 MST 1996 : dberliN@peddie.k12.nj.us, Ocean Township, New Jersey USA Reality Daniel Berlin --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had heard of the Communications Decency Act a while back, when it was in it's early stages, and being involved in working on a term paper, and various other things that I felt more important at the time, didn't pay much attention to it. I had always figured it was another attempt by congress to regulate something that would be shot down by people who knew what it really meant. This meaning being the destruction of free speech on the Internet. And Then I woke up. On the morning of February 8th, I had about 100 some-odd new inbox messages from various Listserv's that I subscribe to, and considered it normal. After deleting most of them, I noticed I had about 10 or so messages from people with a subject of CDA, and one or two about our web page, and something about black. I read them. And a reality hit me in the face quite hard. A reality I did not want to face. The bill I had not paid much attention too, had been passed, and signed into law. It was then I realized that I was silent when I should have screamed. My mind was somewhere else besides classes that day. I was thinking of all the ramifications of this bill, and what it meant. I realized that this destruction of the first amendment had been made possible by a simple flaw. Knowledge is power. Congress and the Senate were attempting to exert power over something they had no knowledge of. I could not justify the landslide vote in any other way. If those without knowledge refuse to stop irresponsibly wielding power, then it is the job of the people affected to take a stand against them. No longer should we be silent. The time has come for screaming. f Daniel Berlin 16 Year Old Citizen of the US And don't you congressmen and congresswomen forget it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Image] dberliN@peddie.k12.nj.us